
Showing posts from February, 2023

20XX art redesign

 Original; digital art Redesign; pixel art The art changed to be more readable and detailed. Art is best set up with many unique details and aspects imfused from Jump King with dark areas becoming detailed versus lacking detail. The need of readability changing in that reguard. Even levels are changed for minor detail changes for an overall better level design. Ice level Bright outline areas and dark inner parts. Sharp lines, percise line changes. The mix details of both games infused here. Size usage of 64, 48, 96 & 128 being used. Asset amount 24 Original; smooth clear colors Redesign; dark and light color mixture. Assets to add to the redesign? Snowball Spitter Pipes Giant Snowball To remove from the redesign? Anything fire. Energy guns

Platformer asset goal

 Use enough assets to build a 640 by 640 scene. If not enough assets to build an entire scene then back to building more assets, if too much assets then expand the scene. Asset amount; 24 (including lazy alt assets) Background; none Walls; 12 Theme; ice art style; digital art hybrid pixel art theme; futuristic

Iconic UI

 an iconic UI element must be easy to see, when turned into a black outline you must be able to see important details. The colors you choose must be simple. Easy on the eyes. Downside; UI art is easy to modify for art theft, the simpler/ easier to read the easier to change it  Stylized UI Making a stylized UI can make it more unique to your game. An example; A war game using the white flag for quiting as in surrender. Too stylized and no one will understand, at first. Said images will be recongized in your game sooner than later. Info told Your UI art must tell as much info as possible with little to no words expect one to two words at most. Line UI This info is a line, simple UI outline, downside is it's easy to steal. Cost per hour of UI artist - 35 to 105 USD an hour, and people wonder why UI theft would be common! To note Learning UI art isn't hard but does take time getting good at it. UI art is hard to master though. Practice If someone can't make an educated guess th...

Round parts

 darken areas where it's less sqaure by using darker pixels. Muzzle flashes being lighter.

Ice art study

 Ice art looks high detailed when you have slightly cloudy parts of the ice and dark spots of ice for the pixel art. The details improve as you go more in detail with different spots and lighting changes with the pixel art. You lighten areas you want players to step on and darken areas not meant to be focused on. The following colors to use; dark aqua blue; 153C4E White; FFFFFF Aqua; 00FFFF Light aqua blue; CFF8F8 Ice is simple for colors to use.