Change from the original
In my research these factors are what makes something "different" from the original.
Bare in mind you must apply 3 or more factors.
1. size change
2. external complexity as in a change in shape
3. internal complexity; as in a change in internal shapes
4. color changes; the change to the images color
5. detail placement; the closer the details are to being similar the more likely it is to be called the same.
6. express and or intent
These 6 factors plus others I have yet to find help make something look different from the original.
Note the diverative work must have over 60% changes on average.
Items with simple external structures but complex internal shapes and colors require a change of internal rather than external and vise versa.
The art needs meaningful details changed, main area of focus info changed for the art not to be a copy, the more meaningful/ different the changes are the harder to identify it as the same.
Note color changes can be a major factor for an artist.
A change in meduim also makes this easier to do as well.
My recent failure;
changed the color outline and a 1 pixel width change and 4 pixel height change.
Result; the original creator said it wasn't original enough
Seperate out ship parts did not psychological trick the subject.
1.1. It would seem this person requires color changes, details the subject focuses are main strong points of the original piece as I said before, change in amount of colors isn't enough but as well a change to all colors from the original falls in line with what the subject desires.
height, width, structure change and added colors aren't enough but the color change from the original entirely falls in line with what the subject desires.
different details moved around, however not enough internal and external shape chanes along with the 60% changes not being enough, note the 60% is an average, not the rule.
Successes versus failures
102 versus 3
Note from other failed copy artist
A sculpture; the guy in question copied an old sculpture with differences, note no height or width copy with only the expression, the intent. The intent/ expression is strong with sculpting.
Failures fixed
The pixel art ship got added details and design aspects.
Bug spaceships change in style.
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